For Lease by Owner
Great Affordable Space
Denton West Business Park 11555 Hwy 380
4 Miles West of Denton on Hwy 380
Warehouse/Office space Available Now!
Click Here to Visit
View from Highway 380 Overpass
At this great Business Park, locally owned & managed, a variety of sizes & layouts are available starting at $850/mo (plus utilities). Office space alone or combination of office(s) and warehouse. Scroll down for more information and photos. Denton West, while only 4 miles west of I-35 in Denton on Hwy 380, jurisdiction for operations is governed by very user friendly, City of Krum. Additionally, owner has both open and covered storage, also affordably available, next door.
Units Currently Available
Unit 207
1400 SF
For more details and photos go to DentonWestBizPark
Aerial Shots